Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is the Italian to English translation?

This phrase is from the book, "The hour glass door" It's on page 35.

The phrase is "Grazie, Faro mio meglio." But it has a little dash about the 'O' in Faro.

And there's another word on page 75. It's " Ti prego" I'd also like to know what that means, too.

Please and Thank You.

~CloudWhat is the Italian to English translation?
Grazie faro mio meglio = "Thank you, I'll do my best"

Ti prego = "I'm begging you" or "I'm asking you please"

By the way, I'm not sure why non-native speakers insist on giving answers.

"Ti prego" does NOT mean "I'm praying" or "I will pray" (which would be "sto pregando" and "preghero'" respectively)

Furthermore, it does not mean "help yourself", "be my guest" or "please do".. It is NOT a way of responding when someone expresses gratitude. Such considerations apply to the word "prego" when standing alone.

Trust me, any Italian will tell you that "Ti prego" means what I suggested above.What is the Italian to English translation?
Grazie faro mio meglio = "Thank you, I'll do my best"

Ti prego = "I am praying" or "I will pray"What is the Italian to English translation?
"Thank you, I'll do my best".

"Ti prego" needs to be seen in context. It can mean: "please", "help yourself", "be my guest", "please do". It's a way of responding when someone expresses gratitude.

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