Thursday, February 2, 2012

Accurate Italian to English translation for 2 sentences?

Tried translation websites but they did not make complete sense, only an actual person could translate this:

“Sapeva che non sarebbe mai potuto uscire di li, che la sua vita era soltanto una copia della realtà, ma dal suo mondo finto, mi guardava dritto in faccia; ma la realtà non sopporta di essere guardata negli occhi. Per questo non basta la ragione a capirla.”Accurate Italian to English translation for 2 sentences?
Go Organic's translation is OKAccurate Italian to English translation for 2 sentences?
He knew that he would not have gotten out of there, that his life was only a copy of reality, but from his artificial world, he was looking at me straight in the face; but reality cannot stand being stared at in the eyes. For this, it's not enough reason to understand it.

I hope this translation has made more sense than what the translators gave you online.

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