Thursday, February 2, 2012

English to Italian Translation Question for Tattoo?

I want to get a little tattoo of the phrase

"I am who He says I am"

I looked it up on several translators, and they are all different.

I know that they probably aren't accurate so please help me.

* He is supposed to be a proper noun.

here are some of the answers i got when i used a translator.

Io sono colui che dice mi

Io sono colui che dice di i am

sono chi dice che sonoEnglish to Italian Translation Question for Tattoo?

There are quite a few different ways to say the same phrase.

In any case, "Io" (which means "I") can be omitted without this causing any problem (except if you really want to emphasize who the subject is).

a) "Sono chi dice che sono" = "I am who he/she/it says that I am" (the subject is unclear).

I would say instead "(io) sono chi Lui dice che (io) sono".

b) "(io) sono colui /colei che lui dice che (io) sono" = "I am the man /woman that he says I am"

(notice the specification "the man /woman). I would not really recommend it.

"Io sono colui che dice mi" means something like "I am the man that says me".

"Io sono colui che dice di I am" means "I am the man that says of "I am"".

I hope I've helped.English to Italian Translation Question for Tattoo?
Io sono chi Egli dice che io sia.

It doesnt sound badly.

Youre translations were ****** up. Seriously.English to Italian Translation Question for Tattoo?
Io sono chi lui dice che sono

oh my god, in italian it sounds horrible!! don't write it on your tattoo...

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