Thursday, February 2, 2012

Italian to English translation help?

Can anyone please translate the following:

i pregi

i difetti



Any help will be greatly appreciated.Italian to English translation help?
These terms refer to a person's character/personality.

i pregi = (the) strengths, merits, good points

i difetti = (the) shortcomings

cambieresti = you would change (as in a sentence like: Cosa cambieresti? = What would you change?)

migliorare = to improve
the qualities the lacks you would change to improve

the qualities - i pregi

the lacks - i difetti

you would change - cambieresti

to improve - migliorareItalian to English translation help?
Try using this website for translations:
hola a todos desde mexico..aqui vistando a los australianos espero q esten super y su pais muy hermoso...los invito a mexico...Saludos a todos...Italian to English translation help?
i pregi pregi

i difetti the cambieresti

cambieresti defects

migliorare to improve
cambieresti = change

migiorare = improve

pregi = merit

difetti = fault

hope those are ok for you!
Welcome aspects

The defects/flaws This is a logo made up of the words: consumers, environment, saving, energetic, life styles.

To improve

Try using this translater,didn't make much sense to me but it might mean something to you-something about improving defects?
i pregi


i difetti



could you change


make better

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