Thursday, February 2, 2012

Italian to English translation "non sara sempre il volcano ti aspeto piu presto. mi sono inamorato di te"?

Its a strange request I know..Italian to English translation "non sara sempre il volcano ti aspeto piu presto. mi sono inamorato di te"?
Here's a correct translation for you:

"The volcano won't be a problem forever. I'm waiting for you. I've fallen in love with you".

I think he's talking about an actual volcano, maybe you weren't able to see each other for a while because of the eruption in Iceland?

Just an educated guess ^^Italian to English translation "non sara sempre il volcano ti aspeto piu presto. mi sono inamorato di te"?
I'm a Romanian native and Romanian is very closely related to Italian as they are both romance languages descended from Latin so I'll give it a try. "I won't always be the %26lt;%26lt;volcano%26gt;%26gt; you expect but I'm in love with you" not literally volcano I guess, maybe personality. I'm sure about 80% of what I wrote.Italian to English translation "non sara sempre il volcano ti aspeto piu presto. mi sono inamorato di te"?
You can use the babylon for this purpose. It's the best translator in my opinion:
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