Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is the translation of these phrases from English to Italian?

I want to get a tattoo, and I've selected some song lyrics that really resonate with me. They are "When I'm by myself, I can be myself, and my life is coming but I don't know when" and "Sometimes I can't believe it. I'm moving past the feeling." I'm not getting these tattoo's right away, I'm just thinking it over, and I plan to get second opinions. So, if anyone could help with the translation, that'd be great!What is the translation of these phrases from English to Italian?
Quando sono da solo, riesco ad essere me stesso, e la mia vita arriva,ma non so quando;

A volte non riesco a crederlo. Vado al di l脿 del sentimento/della sensazione.What is the translation of these phrases from English to Italian?
When I'm by myself, I can be myself, and my life is coming but I don't know when - Quando sono da solo, posso essere me stessa, e la mia vita sta arrivando, ma non so quando

A volte non riesco a crederci. Mi sto muovendo oltre il sentimento (for the 2nd one,)

your welcome :)O

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