Thursday, February 2, 2012

Looking fo help in translation: English to Italian!?

Your heart, your soul and your friend. Pronunciations as well would be much appreciated!!!|||your heart = il tuo cuore

(eel tu-oh cooor-a)

your soul = la tua anima

(la tu-ah aunim-ah)

your friend =

鈥ale = il tuo amico

(eel tu-oh au-meco)

鈥emale = la tua amica

(la tu-ah au-meca)

hope I helped|||Try the link below!

L8R|||Heart= Cuore (Koo-or-eh)

Soul= Anima (An-i-ma)

Friend= Amica (Uh-mee-ka) (Female)

Friend= Amico (uh-mee-ko) (Male)|||Il tuo cuore = i like 'i't - l like 'L'ove - t like table - u like 'w'ear - o like 'o'pen - c like 'C'at

La tua anima = L like 'L'ove - a like 'a'ppreciated - t like 't'able - u like 'w'ear - a like 'a'ppreciated - a like 'a'ppreciated - n like 'n'ear - i like 'i't - m like 'm'ouse - a like 'a'ppreciated

il tuo amico = i like 'i't - L like 'L'ove - t like 't'able - u like 'w'ear - o like 'o'pen - a like 'a'ppreciated - m like 'm'ouse - i like 'i't - c like 'C'at - o like 'o'pen


I'm italian! I think I can help you.

heart in italian is CUORE (K u o r e)

your soul is la tua anima(l脿 t u a 脿nima)

your friend=il tuo amico(ii l t-u-o a-m-i-ko)

=la tua amica

Italian pronunciations is easier than english pronunciation.

The verbs are difficult,however I think that is a musical language,dont' you think?|||your heart - il tuo cuore (eel too-oh kwor-eh)

your soul - la tua anima (la too-ah an-ee-ma)

your friend - il tuo amico (eel too-oh am-ee-co)

lol do you get it?

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