Sunday, February 5, 2012

Translation from English to Italian: Live Love Laugh. Is there an equivalent in Italian?

Please give the correct Italian wording. I am planning on using the words as part of a tattoo. Thanks!Translation from English to Italian: Live Love Laugh. Is there an equivalent in Italian?
Translation is Vivi, Ama, Ridi. (a coolest sentence could be Vivi, Ama e Godi literally Live Love Enjoy). There is not an equivalent in Italian but the most known poetry of Lorenzo Il Magnifico (from the Renaissance period) reads:

"Quanto 猫 bella giovinezza

che si fugge tuttavia

chi vuol esser lieto sia

del diman non v'猫 certezza"

which rough translation is:

" How nice is the youth

that's however passing quickly

whoever wants be happy is allowed to be

nothing about tomorrow is sure".

and its meaning is rather similar to yr sentenceTranslation from English to Italian: Live Love Laugh. Is there an equivalent in Italian?
In tensione, amore, risataTranslation from English to Italian: Live Love Laugh. Is there an equivalent in Italian?
The translation of the 3 words, in the same order:

Vivi Ama Ridi

But the 3 words are not used in Italian as an expression.

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